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ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety

THE ISO COMPANY specialises in Occupational Health & Safety Certification.


The ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System)  


The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risks and
opportunities. The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work related
injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it
is critically important for the organisation to eliminate hazards and minimise OH&S risks by taking
effective preventive and protective measures


When these measures are applied by the organisation through its OH&S management system, they improve its OH&S performance.

An OH&S management system can be more effective and efficient when taking early action to address opportunities for improvement of OH&S performance. Implementing an OH&S management system conforming to this document enables an organisation to
manage its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management system can assist an organisation to fulfil its legal requirements and other requirements.

Eliminating risks and hazards

ISO 45001 will measure your management system with regards to several dimensions. The extent of application will depend on such factors as the occupational health and safety policy of the organisation, the nature of its activities, and conditions under which it operates.A successful management system should be based on:· An occupational health and safety policy appropriate for the company.· Identification of occupational health and safety risks and legal requirements.· Objectives, targets, and programs that ensure continual improvements.· Management activities that control the occupational health and safety risks.· Monitoring of the occupational health and safety system performance.· Continual reviews, evaluation, and improvement of the system.

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