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Management System Services

The ISO Company provides Quality Enhancement Services to the industry to ensure better quality of product and services, a safe workplace, reduction of energy consumption and to protect the environment sustaining it for the next generation.


Through consultation we will ensure you’re business implements a management system that will benefit your business and contribute to its sustainability.


This service is a well structured process of implementing a management system to ensure compliance and certification with a certification body of your choice. These services are for the standards of ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems) ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management, ISO 14001 (Environmental Management, ISO/TS 16949 (Automotive Quality Management and 50001 (Energy Management).


We also provide support in sustaining your certification through various options suitable for your business.



For construction projects, quality control means making sure things are done according to the plans, specifications, and permit requirements. The days of easy money seem to be over, making it imperative that communities get the most out of their infrastructure projects. One of the best ways to assure good construction projects is to use a quality inspector.


The first step a quality inspector should take is to become familiar with the plans, specification, and permit requirements and, equally important, to have some common sense. Quality control during all construction phases needs to be better, and the utility system needs to know what is being installed while the work is being done. On most construction jobs, the inspection is one of the last things to be done—if it gets done at all.


The utility system may or may not be required to have an quality inspector through the project engineer. Checking with the project funder clears up any doubt about whether this is mandatory. This does not mean the utility system can’t have its own quality inspector on the project site as well. A good candidate for this role is someone who already works with the utility system, particularly the chief operator. Why should the utility system have to pay twice for the same inspection? Often it is the only way to assure quality control. The utility system may want to use a third party for inspections versus using their own or one hired by the project engineer. Again, check with the funding agency to see if this is allowed. The quality inspector should know the plans and specifications inside-out, including the financial parameters for the particular project. He or she should also know the state or primacy agency requirements for the project.


Some utilities may have their own specifications that are more rigorous than the state or primacy requirements. Be sure the plans and specifications are what the utility wants before they go out to bid. It’s a good idea to let the chief operator and other personnel take a look at the plans. After all, these are the people who have to fix something after the warranty is expired or if the job is not done correctly the first time. Never forget that the utility system is the client. Everyone associated with the project needs to be aware of this fact, especially the project engineer. Although the project engineer is often seen as the boss, he or she has to answer to the utility system, the permit or primacy agency, and the funding agency. The only one the project engineers do not have to answer to is the contractor.



The ISO Company also specializes in Quality Engineering services to ensure that a quality product is delivered during the construction of projects. We do this with well structured Quality Control plans and or Inspection and Test Plans running from the FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests) making sure the product is build in accordance with prescribed requirements, SAT (Site Acceptance Test) Site acceptance testing of the system is performed based on the procedures approved by the client. The entire system is offered for demonstration to the client representatives.


All user applications are tested in real-time, showing physical and logical integrity. Any deficiencies noted are resolved and re-tested. During the course of the SAT, periodic SAT status reports are issued. Upon SAT completion, the final SAT test reports are submitted for final review and approval, and SIT (System integration testing is a high-level testing process in which to verify all related systems can operate in coordination with other systems in the same environment. The testing process ensures that all sub-components are integrated successfully to provide expected results).



The lead inspector for the project needs to have the authority to make some important calls on the job, even to shut it down if necessary. Don’t be a passive quality inspector and just observe; make calls and point things out. Remember, if you have a question about the project, the first thing to refer to are the plans and specifications. The old adage states that the three most important factors in real estate are location, location, and location. Similarly with quality control, the quality inspector has to remember three important things: document, document, and document. This is also known as good record keeping. When dealing with a problem, put it in writing (usually addressed to the utility system) making everyone else a copy of the letter. Some of the best tools that can be used for documentation are pen and paper and a daily logbook.


Make sure the quality inspector has a logbook that is weather resistant, like “Rite-in-the-Rain” products. This can allow the quality inspector to take notes at the worksite. Don’t force the quality inspector to remember what needs to be recorded until he or she gets to the job trailer or office. Write it down and never erase; cross out mistakes. If an inspector has a good logbook that has dates and times and locations and is signed or initialed (each page), it can be used in a court of law. But if there are erasure marks, it will most likely be thrown out. Another good idea is to note the names of the people involved or that are at the site each day. Be very specific, especially when there is a problem. It is a good idea to take pictures and videotape before, during, and after construction. Keep in mind, though, that some courts will not allow digital photos or video, so use conventional cameras if this is the case in your area. As the end user, you have a responsibility to see that construction projects are carried out correctly. Having an quality inspector on site may seem like an unnecessary expense, but in reality, these efforts often save money down the road.

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